An Overview to Myopia Care Options

Myopia (nearsightedness) is when your distance vision blurs but you have clear near vision. Vision is particularly important in a learning environment and the prevalence of myopia progression in children is becoming a world-wide problem. The WHO estimates that by 2050 up to 50% of the world’s population will have myopia and all children are likely to progress once they become myopic.

As myopia progresses, the risk of other eye problems such as retinal detachment and myopic degeneration dramatically increases. To address the progression of myopia, our optometrists are offering new advances in myopia management.

You can identify risk factors for your child using this free online survey.

Behaviour And Lifestyle Tips for Myopia Care

Lifestyle changes can also contribute to myopia Management.

Children’s habits and lifestyle choices can have a large impact on myopia progression. Some important tips for reducing the progression or delaying the onset of myopia include the following:

  • Stay active outdoors (2-3 hours a day)

  • Use UV protection at all times

  • Keep digital devices at arm’s length and with upright body posture

  • Watch TV on a TV not on a cell phone or iPad.

  • Take visual breaks (at least 2 minutes every half hour)

  • Adequate sleep

  • Good lighting - natural light is particularly helpful

Cooper Vision MiSight Contact Lenses

Cooper Vision MiSight Daily disposable Contact Lenses can Be used for Myopia Management For Kids as young as 8 years old.

MiSight 1-day disposable contact lenses have multiple treatment zones that align to the child’s pupil to ensure consistent myopia control in all conditions. Studies show that MiSight lenses can provide up to a 59% reduction in myopia progression over the course of 3-years.

In order to gain the maximum clinical effectiveness, children should be wearing the contact lenses a minimum of 6 days per week, 10 hours per day in order to benefit from the lens and early intervention is recommended.

Both parents and children enrolled in the studies have been extremely happy with the fit and comfort of the contacts and adapt very well to full time wear.

MiyoSmart Lenses by Hoya

Zeiss MyoVision Pro Lenses can be used for Myopia Management For Kids as young as 6 years old.

Hoya’s MiyoSmart myopia control lenses have been clinically proven to reduce the rate of myopia progression by up to 59% and the axial elongation by 60%. The findings of this study were published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology and you can read the full article here: Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression: a 2-year randomised clinical trial

The unique D.I.M.S. (Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segment) design delivers a unique yet proven technique for helping optometrists and parents in the management of myopia progression.

Low-Dose Atropine Eye Drops

Young girl putting in eye drops on her own

Atropine eye drops are the most studied myopia treatment options to date. Numerous peer-reviewed studies in both optometry and ophthalmology journals have reached similar conclusions regarding treatment guidelines and outcomes.

Although we don't entirely understand how atropine eye drops work, and no formal treatment guidelines exist. We know that they seem to block the eye's growth receptor, preventing the eye from growing or elongating as quickly. Studies show that low-dose atropine treatment can reduce myopia progression between 50-60%.